Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ironman Leaves My Butt Chilled


If you were following my other blog late last year, you may recall The Husband and I going up in the balloon at Orange County’s proposed and slow growing Great Park. Well, here we are again, this time to see an outdoor showing of Ironman, complete with free parking, movie and popcorn. As we approached the Great Park area, we could see the balloon, with it’s Halloween face on. Somebody’s thinking and having fun doing so!

Folks hauled in their camp chairs, blankets and coolers and I have to say, the people around us were very considerate and made sure their kids were as well. The popcorn, popped on the premises, surprised the old taste buds by actually being very tasty and buttery. But here’s the kicker: It’s been 95 damn degrees for the last few weeks and suddenly, low and behold, the fall 50 degree weather arrives just in time for an outdoor movie! I swear, my butt was the coldest thing on me last night! How can that be, when I’m sitting on it and it’s getting the least cold air of anywhere on my person?? It must be some scientific thing. Maybe I’ll write to Mythbusters…

Anyway, we’d seen the movie in the theatre (the only one this summer, except for my chick flick outing a few weeks ago, scroll down to see Nights in Rodanthe) but this just sounded like fun. We both thought we were bundled up… Silly us. The Husband had the heater on in the car before he’d even closed the door!

If you haven’t seen Ironman, I recommend it but be warned there’s a lot of war stuff, which I wasn’t anticipating. Apparently, the original was written during the Vietnam era and that’s where Tony Stark did his thing. Aren’t we lucky to have a war going on now for the filmmakers to refer to. (Bitter, bitter, bitter. Sorry)

Anyway, the real reason to see this is for two of the best actors on the planet, Robert Downey, Jr. (I prayed for him when he was having his “troubles” because I didn’t want to see such a talent be extinguished so young) and Jeff Bridges (he of the malevolently shaved head). They’re both excellent in this and Robert Downey, Jr, even though he’s not stereotypically buff, is not hard to watch, if you know what I mean. Wink, wink.

C’est la vie!

1 comment:

Kim VanDerHoek said...

I was wondering what that big orange ball is! I could see it from the freeway and was trying to figure it out. Since I live nearby the thing I should know what it is, right?

Confusing weather right now to be sure! Today I was suppose to go out painting with a friend but it was too windy. In Fall I never can figure out how to dress.