Thursday, October 22, 2009

How I’m Eating Pizza


I’m not usually one for taking pictures of my dinner but I thought I’d post about the pizza I’ve been eating most of this week.

I’m calling it four points but this is not based on science… What I’m doing is taking one whole Sandwich Thin by Orowheat for one point, a third cup of Weight Watchers shredded cheese for two points and I figure the small amount of marinara sauce and two slices of ham (6 slices is one point…) as one.

These are totally NOM, IMHO. I hope the pictures look appetizing. I really am edit-challenged…

I feel like I’m doing good this week. My lame-o scale (I have to readjust it every morning) shows a loss and pants I wore today were not putting a strangle hold on my waist. Fingers crossed for a loss this week. And if not, I’ll know I stayed on program and the weight will eventually go the hell away!

C’est la vie!

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