Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Book Meme 11


Day 11 - A book that disappointed you

Oh, that would have to be The Big Steal by Emyl Jenkins. Her first book was really good and I liked the lead character, Sterling Glass, who is a woman of a certain age. I feel bad dissing this book because the author wrote me a very nice email, telling me that this book was delayed because she'd lost her mother-in-law, who was a dear friend, and she was having a hard time dealing with her loss. But this book, although it had some memorable scenes, seemed to ramble and Sterling didn't have the same verve as in the first book. There wasn't a satisfying ending and we were left with lots of loose ends.

Here's something I should have used for a previous Meme--a plot device I find irritating. Sterling has two gentlemen love interests. Too many books do this (and tv shows) (and movies). Love triangles pretty much are set ups for failure. If a choice is ever actually made, there's always the nagging doubts, which are just plain boring… And sometimes when a choice is made, the writer (be they book, tv or movie) just doesn't know what to do with the characters then. I really do prefer a character in a good relationship from the get go. But I digress.

Anyway, I'm hoping there'll be a third book in this series because I know there's lots of potential for this character and her antiques business. I will definitely be there, cheering her on.

C’est la vie!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Book Meme 10

Day 10 - A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving

I've gotta talk about two books here.

The first is A.S. Byatt's Possession. It sounded sorta interesting, so I got it on tape at the library. But it turned out to be really enjoyable and I felt I was missing something by not being able to read it for myself. So I eventually picked up a copy of it and enjoyed every word. It deals with two stories of two couples, a century or so apart, and both tales are complicated and fascinating and the look into the world of academic politics is an education in itself.

The other is Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson. I think it was the "It" book of that season and I had started reading it with an attitude of seeing what all the fuss was about. Turns out, the thoughtful narrative reveals an emotional story as well as a tense courtroom drama with a hint of mystery and potential betrayal. It takes place just before and after the Second World War and deals with the Japanese internment, first loves and a decision that could ruin lives.

C’est la vie!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Book Meme 9


Day 09 - Best scene ever

I don't know if this is the Best Scene Ever but it's certainly stuck with me for 35 years!

If memory serves, it takes place in the first few chapters of Stephen King's Salems Lot. Danny Glick's brother died under mysterious circumstances. In his room a few nights later, Danny sees his brother OUTSIDE his bedroom window--ON THE SECOND FLOOR!

'k, this creeped me out when I read it. But now, when I catch a glimpse of myself in a night-darkened window when I'm not expecting to--I jump 3 feet! And the fact that I can still remember the character's name after all these years-yeah, best scene, definitely!

PS-yeah, I know I missed Day 8... It’s coming soon…

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Book Meme 7


Day 07 - Least favorite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoyed otherwise

Had to think a while on this one but lately I’ve been reading some books with truly annoying mother figures--moms, step-moms, etc. I think this counts as plot device. If not, ah well, it’s the only thing I could think of…

The Georgiana Neverall books by Christy Evans ~ a realtor mom who‘s very unhappy with her daughters‘ life choices

The Queen Betsey Vampire series by MaryJanice Davidson ~ a step-mother who hits every Stepmom cliché in the book

The Trash and Treasure mysteries by Barbara Allan ~ a bi-polar mom who has grown on me considerably

The Debutante Dropout Mysteries by Susan McBride ~ a high society mom who has her heartfelt moments lately

The Ministry is Murder Mysteries by Emilie Richards ~ a hippie mom who gets her nose into everything (again, she’s growing on me)

The Crimes of Fashion Mysteries ~ a long distance mom who’s a nosey parker

C’est la vie!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Book Meme 6


Day 06 - Favorite book of your favorite series OR your favorite book of all time

A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore--It’s not a series but he so often uses the same characters that I’m considering it a legitimate cheat…

Christopher Moore’s greatest talent is combining over the top imagination with heart. A Dirty Job is about young widower, single father and second hand goods shop owner Charlie Asher, a regular guy who becomes Death. Along with Minty Fresh, a big black man who wears light green suits and should be played by Will Smith if this is ever made into a movie, who helps Charlie settle into his new part time job as a collector of souls.

This isn’t the craziest plot Moore has come up with but I picked it as my favorite because it has the most warmth for and among its characters. I read it when it came out a few years ago, so please forgive my non-memory for names… First, there’s his daughter, who everyone loves, including two old ladies in his apartment house who vie for the honor of babysitting. Then there are the hell hounds, sent as guardians for the daughter when Charlie is off on assignment. The Emperor of San Francisco, a homeless man with two sweet dogs, who has made appearances in many of Moore’s books, I think mainly the vampire stories. Everyone loves the Emperor and his “men”.

The subject of death is approached from many different angles in this book--funny, angry, tender. Charlie is an Everyman, struggling to understand (the Great Big Book of Death, which would explain his mission, has been cadged by his shop employee, Goth Girl) and appreciate his new job, while trying to keep his precious daughter safe and sane. In true Moore fashion, it’s never as simple as it seems and Charlie finds himself defending the city against demons and harpies who’ve taken a Gold Rush-era ship buried under the streets of San Francisco as their HQ.

If you’ve never read Christopher Moore, this might be a good one to start with, since it’s got the best of him in one big volume (but I’m hoping for more of Charlie and his daughter). Warning, though. Moore gives nothing and no one a pass--if you are easily offended by sex, religion, race, gender or nationality jokes or really really crazy bad language, his books may not be for you. But if you want a laugh out loud funny (seriously, sometimes I embarrass myself in public reading Moore) while your heart is breaking literary experience, run do not walk to the nearest Christopher Moore bookshelf!

PS--I think I'm going to repeat this meme for movies and maybe even TV...

C’est la vie!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Book Meme 5


Day 05 - A book or series you hate

Ok, I wouldn’t say hate… But I couldn’t finish The Lace Reader. There was so much violence and brutality that it wasn’t worth it for me to continue. When a book makes me so tense from worrying about the people or animals in it, I just don’t want that kind of bad juju in my life. The world is stressful enough. I read to de-stress and relax. I’m not against a good story with periods of violence or intermittent tension (I enjoyed The Lovely Bones) but when a book is relentless in its darkness, back to the library it goes!

C’est la vie!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Book Meme 4


Day 04 - Your favorite book or series ever

My favorite book, along with practically the entire population of the earth, is To Kill a Mockingbird.

So, I’ll tell you about my favorite series, the Sharon McCone mysteries, by Marcia Muller.

I discovered Sharon McCone somewhere in the mid-80’s at the Whittier Public Library. I quickly caught up on the series, which started with Edwin of the Iron Shoes, in 1977. To have read a series that 1.) an author has actually written for 30+ years and 2.) that has continued to grow and get better over time is just amazing. I always say that I feel like I’ve grown up with Sharon.

She started out as a young PI, working for a lawyer’s co-op in San Francisco. Over the years, lovers have come and gone, jobs have changed, an already problematic family got more complicated. But there are friends who’ve remained from the early days, mingling with new characters, and deep loyalties abound. Sharon has changed from an idealistic girl to a competent woman who’s seen more than her share of the dark side of the human psyche. She’s someone you want on your side because she’s not going to stop until she solves the puzzle.

I don’t want to give anything away but I was happy when she finally found someone she could depend on and love unconditionally on her own terms. Yeah, I’m a romantic, so sue me… I think what I like best about the McCone series is the supportive people around her. Sometimes female PI’s are written to be too tough and fairly unlovable. Sharon is a mix of tough as she needs to be and as generous as she can be and has a tight circle of people around her as tough and generous as she is.

I love that Marcia Muller has been fearless in her story lines. Her last book (this really isn’t a spoiler because the title, Locked In, pretty much tells the story) had Sharon in a waking coma, called locked-in syndrome. I’m eagerly awaiting the next book, coming out in October, to see what’s new with my long time BLFF (Best Literary Friend Forever).

C’est la vie!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Book Meme 3


Day 03 - The best book you've read in the last 12 months.

This is a tough one. I think I’ll have to say The Little Sleep by Paul Tremblay. Lately I’ve been reading a lot of comfortable little cozy mysteries and this book took a total 180 from those.

Mark Genevich is a Boston PI with narcolepsy. He makes his way in the world by doing computer investigations and living in a building owned by his tough/tender momma. When he’s approached by the DA’s daughter, a finalist in a fictional American Idol, he’s thrown into a noir adventure worthy of the finest pulp fiction.

Mark is at once pitiful and determined. He hides his strength behind flip comments and the behavior needed to stay awake at the most crucial moments. Once he’s committed to the daughter’s plight, whether he’s imagined her or not, he’s going to see it to the end, whether that means putting himself into a driver’s seat or getting the crap kicked out of him. His loyalty to the cause he’s chosen reminds me of the late Robert B. Parkers’ Spenser, only without that Boston PI’s street smarts and muscles.

There are a lot of reason’s I’m naming this as my fave in the last 12 months. One may be that it’s such a different vibe than most of what I’ve been reading lately. Darker, more painful. And the writing is full of humor and wordplay and strangely heartfelt. We want to see Mark succeed and not get hurt and stay awake when he needs to. We want to see him clean up his stark apartment and find someone who has the patience to walk with him through his slow-moving life.

I was happy to see that there is at least one more Mark Genevich book (I’ve read it--it’s as good as the first one-No Sleep Til Wonderland) and I’m hoping there’ll be more. Raymond Chandler would be proud.

C’est la vie!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Book Meme 2


Day 02 - A book or series you wish more people were reading and talking about

This would have to be the Young Wizards Series by Diane Duane. The first book predates Harry Potter and must be where JK found her inspiration for Platform 9 ¾, since the characters in these books depart to different galaxies from a “door” in Grand Central Station…

Kit and Nita find each other as they’re discovering their own magical abilities. Don’t get me wrong~I love Harry Potter~but in Kit and Nita’s world, they are much more autonomous and take on world-saving responsibilities time and again. They are full of emotion and epic epicness. OK, epic epicness just means these kids go through more heartache and stress than most teenage heroes. They have advisors but are mostly on their own, so they form a bond that both strengthens and warps over the course of time and adolescence. And family plays a much bigger and more supportive role in these books, too.

So, start with So You Want to Be a Wizard, read the eight books after that and I’ll bet you’ll be waiting eagerly for the tenth book after that, too!

C’est la vie!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Book Meme Beginnings


So, the weight loss thing pretty much petered out after 20 pounds… I’m still limping along but that’s a story for another day.

One of my bloggy friends, Judy Edmonds over at Sheep Rustling, is doing a meme about books. It’s a series of questions she’s answering day by day, as she has a chance. Since I’m a lifelong reader and my next tattoo will probably be designed around books and the word READ, this meme is right up my literate alley.

So, here’s #1:

Day 01 - A book series you wish had gone on longer OR a book series you wish would just freaking end already (or both!)

Charlaine Harris (of the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series) had a series featuring Lily Bard, a woman starting a new life after a vicious assault. Lily had moved to a new town called Shakespeare, where she cleaned houses, worked out at a dojo and was pretty much a loner. It was interesting to see her come out of herself and start to trust people and learn to love. She and her lover made a cameo appearance a while ago in one of the Sookie books but I’d love to see more novels featuring Lily.

I’m also hoping Debi Gliori starts writing the Pure Dead Series again. This one is about a Scottish family with Italian roots, who live in a huge house with monsters, a mother who’s trying to be a witch and family members who really are. She’s great with plays on words and she’s just freakin’ clever. Sometimes she’s so funny, I laugh out loud reading in public places. I miss all the assorted characters and wild situations they’d get into. Oh, Debi, put the kids in day care and move back in with the Strega-Borgia’s!!

C’est la vie!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Back to Basics


Since my weight loss is at a standstill and depressing to blog about, I thought I’d go back to my Paris Dreams roots. While at the Orange County Fair this weekend, I had some Paris inspiration:

Oui, it’s an Eiffel Tower made out of bread!

And this is a table setting with a French theme. I really love the glassware!

I don’t have a picture of it, but The Husband gave me a really cool black and white poster of the Eiffel Tower. It’s taken from a neighborhood near the Tower, which rises in the background. In the foreground is a girl running across the street in a red jacket, the only splash of color on the print, with beautiful buildings on both sides. Maybe I’ll take a picture when we get it framed and hung.

C’est la vie!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

25 Pounds and Counting

So, a few weeks ago I needed to lose 23 pounds. Let me illustrate why I now need to lose 25... :

Breakfast on our anniversary weekend on Coronado Island (this was the short stack!)

Anniversary dinner

Wedding catering

Even before our anniversary vacation and our friend’s wedding reception, I’d fallen off the tracking wagon. So, here’s the plan:

Change my eating habits so they’re more trackable, mainly in the evenings. I’ve been eating more healthfully but I wasn’t tracking. Now I know I’ll be ok when I get to the point where I can maintain my loss but I have to concentrate on the actual LOSING again… So it’s back to sandwiches and salads that are easier to count points with.

And no snacking. I recently read that French women stay slender by drinking lots of water and no snacking. That sounds like a life plan--just good meals with no eating in between. NO is better than a little bit of this and a tad of that--those bits and tads add up! I’m going to do my best to develop a no snack habit.

So, here’s to a new dedication to reaching my goal. I’m fitting into clothes I haven’t worn in a long time and that’s lovely but there are other clothes (ie, the flirty skirt) that won’t go up over my butt. I WILL be able to wear all the clothes in my closet very soon!

C’est la vie!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Plateau Bustin’!

Well, kids, it’s been a while since I blogged. That 2 month plateau was killin’ me. But I think I’ve finally broken through. My total weight loss now is 22 pounds! About half way to my personal goal, 9 pounds to where I can declare my Weight Watcher goal. I guess the switch to counting calories was a good change-up for both my mind and body.

Looking back, I see that I haven’t mentioned finally cracking open my George Foreman grille, purchased with much enthusiasm last fall. LOVE it!! So far, I’ve cooked several packages of chicken, which are then waiting in the fridge to make:

tostada’s, mixed with refried beans and sometimes veggies

rice bowls with frozen Chinese veggies and soy sauce

chicken salads with either a lettuce mix from the store or 2 McDonald’s side salads as a base, with cranberries, walnuts and green onion (and a dash of WW shred cheese)

~*~I am in desperate need of new jeans. The old lady/elastic waist jeans I have are falling off me! Isn’t that great! I don’t know that I’m ready for a zippered pair yet as I’m only halfway to my goal, but I definitely need a pair that I’m not afraid will fall off me as I’m walking. Yippee!

C’est la vie!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's Hunger Got to Do with It?

So, I've been on a plateau for about 6 weeks. I know I’m eating just enough to keep me there. Why??? The eternal question…

Shhh… Don't tell my Weight Watcher leader but today I started counting calories. I needed to do something different because it seems like I'm tired of doing Points. I need to shake myself up a little bit and see how much I've been eating without realizing it. I get bored. I get lazy. I get rebellious. Maybe this will be the wakeup call.

The Husband and I were supposed to start walking this week… I'm still getting in 20-25 minutes a day of exercise but I think my body needs to do something different. The body is willing, the mind is playing tricks…

C’est la vie!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Almost Back to Square One

This year, I’ve been down .4 of a pound lighter than I am today. Weight loss this time around is so damn difficult. *big sigh* Do we get less committed as we get older? Less willing to sacrifice the double chocolate covered peanuts for the salad bar? *another big sigh*

Well, this week I really rededicated myself to eating within my points limit and truly tracking what I was eating. And it helped get me back down and took a half inch off my waist. Even when I had cake and ice cream on Friday for a co-workers 25th anniversary, I was aware of what I was eating and ate very lightly the rest of the day.

So, as the new week looms, I’m going for the same goal as last week--track what I’m eating and stick to the allotted points. It’s great when you can pick up something in the grocery store and it has the Weight Watchers points values right on the package--certain Jello products and Healthy Choice come to mind. I wish everything had WW points on the package.

My leader, Cindy, noticed that my monthly pass was a printout from the internet. I told her I almost had to quit due to finances but I felt like it was too important to give up. So as soon as I lose another 9 pounds, I can decide on my goal weight. Once I hit the goal weight, I have to stay at that weight (paying all the while) for six weeks. Then I’m declared Lifetime and can stop paying (as long as I stay within 2 pounds of goal).

I hereby proclaim that I will be Lifetime by the end of September! That’s my goal. YES, I CAN!

C’est la vie!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weight Loss and Stuff


Yeah, I know I said I was quitting Weight Watchers due to financial constraints but I decided, sitting in my WW meeting last week, that it’s worth it to keep going. Listening to Cindy, my leader, I was already missing her and the motivation I get when I go to meetings. I’m only half way to my goal and I really want to get to Lifetime again, so I can keep going for free, as long as I’m at goal. I know I’m someone who needs the continual support and stimulus of the weekly meetings and if I quit now, all my good intentions will fall by the wayside.

So, this week, I gained .4... The day before the meeting, I was in LA, walking a lot while drinking very little. That always messes up my system.

We’re trying to eat better. This week, I bought heads of lettuce and some spinach and tore it all up as soon as we got home from the store. Last night, I had a big, honkin’ salad for dinner, with cucumber, orange cranberries and walnuts. Yum! Tonight, I made tostada’s with shells, refried beans, lettuce, guacamole and a tiny bit of cheese. Again, yum! We’re making progress in the dinner department.

C’est la vie!


Monday, April 12, 2010

Weight Watchers...

Oops! Forgot to post yesterday. We went to get our taxes done in the morning and got thrown for a small loop. It's just disappointing when the state government screws you and doesn't give you anything in return, not even a damn cigarette!

Anyway, good news and bad news on the weight front.

GOOD-lost another 1.6 pounds, for a total of 21. Now I can get my Golden Spoon gift card!

BAD-This will be my last month of WW. I just can't justify spending the money right now. But The Husband and I are on a good path, wanting to start eating better and be healthier. We're walking again and bringing better food into the house. I'll continue to update here every Sunday. It'll help keep me honest and on track!

C’est la vie!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday Wishful Thinking

I wish I'd remembered to wear sunscreen yesterday to the jewelry show I did...

Can you tell I wore a big necklace??

C’est la vie!

Weight Watchers 25th Week


Happy Easter! No Weight Watchers this week since they’re not open during the holiday. I could go to a meeting during the week, but I probably won’t.

I was doing good this week until I had some of that new Honey Walnut Shrimp at Panda Express yesterday. Yummy!! But it’s probably highly caloric due to the breading or whatever the shrimp is covered with. Tempura? All I know is that it was really good and I can’t have it very often, same as my beloved Orange Chicken. Normally I get chicken teriyaki because it’s just naked chicken and steamed rice… And I’m usually happy with that but sometimes a girl’s just gotta have something new!

The Easter Bunny made a stop here earlier in the week, in the form of malted eggs and some chocolate, courtesy of a friend at work whose SIL was a bit too generous with the Easter cheer. But all I brought into the house for today was cranberry almond salad mix and one of the new Skinny Cow ice cream cups.

C’est la vie!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weight Watchers 24th Week


Junk out of the house and walking 5 nights out of 7 paid off. Lost 2 pounds! If I lose at least another .6 next week, I’ll be officially 20 pounds down and I can go get my $20 Golden Spoon gift card.

I’ve got another 25 pounds to lose… Sometimes I feel like I’ve gotten nowhere but I know, from the way my clothes fit and the fact that I’ve bought a few pieces lately that fit better than my old clothes, that I’ve made tremendous progress.

I’ve been watching the Jamie Oliver Food Revolution show. He’s really interesting but more than anything, he’s showing us how much we delude ourselves by thinking that what we eat is ok. The town he’s filming in was actually feeding their children pizza for breakfast in the schools!! I mean, really?? Cold pizza for breakfast as a teenager (or older…) was yummy and kinda sinful, but to have it condoned by the folks who should be watching out for kids! Cripes! I’m hoping this show will really inspire me to eat better.

That being said, I splurged this morning on some expensive Weight Watcher snacks, that should last me a couple of weeks.

I really want to start eliminating foods with ingredients I can’t pronounce (see above boxes…). I mean, what the hell is fructooligosaccharides???? Ah, it’s a process. More fruit, less fructooligosaccharides!

Ps--I swear I didn’t make up that long, ridiculous word!

C’est la vie!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weight Watchers 23rd Week


I lost .2 pounds. I want to be sarcastic but really, what’s the point? This weight loss thing is much more difficult than when I was younger. And, to be honest, I’ve been throwing little potholes of my own making into my weight loss path, so if there‘s sarcasm, it must be aimed at my own little self.

Two things I’m going to do (or not do) this week:

1. No saltines and cookies in the house. When I was having the stomach problems, I started buying saltines. They are little booby traps! They’re small and seemingly non-caloric and they jump into my mouth by the fistful. And cookies?? ‘Nuff said. They are now banned from the house!

2. I do some exercise every day but The Husband has been wanting to resume our walks around our neighborhood, so we’ll start again tonight. Hopefully, that will jump start some losing!

So, I’m off to the grocery store to stock up on oranges and yogurt and other good things to set myself up for a GOOD week.

C’est la vie!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weight Watchers 22nd Week


OK, how did I manage to lose weight last week and gain this week?? The week of the dreaded colonoscopy?? You’d think a day of nothing but water and sparkling laxative would leave a girl pretty skinny… But no. Trust me--I weighed myself the morning of Preparation Day and again the morning of the test and I hadn’t lost an ounce. The Universe is playing a really bad joke on me, I swear…

And I must be having hormonal disharmony since I finally opened the box of Trader Joe Joe Joe’s, their peppermint holiday cookies. Slowly working my way through them. Ahem… It’s also Shamrock Shake time at McD’s. I tell ya, the Universe is stacked agin me right now.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I have to fight it. Ah, the best I can do is only drink a third of the large shake I shared with The Husband… Sometimes, you just have to do the best you can. And exercise. A LOT…

So, I need to establish some goals, with rewards. When I lose 2 more pounds, I’m going to buy myself a $20 Golden Spoon gift card. Their frozen yogurt is a good WW treat. And when I lose 5 pounds after that, I get to go buy a couple of pairs of sandals. I haven’t gotten new sandals in years and my two favorite pair are practically falling off my feet. So now I have something to look forward to.

C’est la vie!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weight Watchers 21st Week


This was a week of challenges: The Husband’s birthday, midnight showing of Alice In Wonderland, an In and Out lunch… And yet, miraculously, I managed to lose another pound!

I did try to eat light on the days I was challenged. We go to an English pub for The Husband’s birthday dinner and I knew I wanted fish and chips. Their fish is cooked with a beer batter and it’s nice and dry, not greasy, so I could eat the fish right out of the batter. And I only had a few chips, but honestly, probably more than I should have. For the midnight showing, I took a bag of those orange sugarful circus peanuts--ate a few just to keep me awake. Uh huh, right! The In and Out foray was at the behest of The Husband, who considered it his birthday weekend… I looked up the hamburger stats before we went and discovered that without cheese and their patented sauce, a hamburger there is only 330 calories! Not bad. And no, I didn’t look up their luscious fries, of which I partook but a few… Again, probably a few too many but I ate very conservatively the rest of the day. And I guess it worked, since I lost another nasty ole pound.

I realized this morning at the WW meeting that I’ve lost almost 20 pounds. I’m honestly amazed at myself. Yeah, I know I’ve been down this road before but I think I just hadn’t really paid attention to the total up till now. Yay me!

C’est la vie!


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weight Watchers 20thWeek


Ta da! Another pound down. 17 all together. It must be showing, since I’ve had comments about losing weight this week. Lately I’ve bought a few new tops that aren’t as baggy as what I’ve been wearing. You know how you wear baggy stuff, thinking it’s hiding your bulk? Yeah, that never works but we do it anyway. Then when we buy clothes that fit well, I guess we look all that much better.

It’s Girl Scout cookie time. I bought a box of cranberry oatmeal and I’ve managed not to eat them all in one sitting. But I think next month I’ll be getting a box of Thin Mints and that will be the real test. But I’m up for it! I’ll be strong!

C’est la vie!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weight Watchers Nineteenth Week


Another week of loss, this time 1.2 pounds! Yay!

And this week I hit my 10% loss of body weight, for which I received this lovely coppery key chain. Show ‘em, Vanna:

So, feeling pretty good right now. No diagnosis yet for the tummy troubles but the medicine I’m on is doing wonders and tests are on the horizon. I’m eating fairly normally again and that’s a Good Thing. Lots of exercise time, too.

Hope you’re all doing well, too!

C’est la vie!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weight Watchers Eighteenth Week


LOSER! That’s me. 1.8 pounds this week. And that with a luncheon at the Marriott that my company treated us to and a potluck on Friday! Both of those days I didn’t eat dinner and made sure I exercised all week.

Funny thing is, my inches are being quite stubborn. Looks like I either lose weight or inches… Whatever, it’s all good.

Going to the specialist this week to see what’s up with my goofy stomach. I’ll feel much better when I have a diagnosis and can start dealing with whatever it is… Till then,

Do what makes you happy!!

C’est la vie!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weight Watchers Seventeenth Week


The tummy is still not well. In the middle of tests and dr. visits… But I lost 2 pounds in the last two weeks, which is a Good Thing.

Here’s something I found that is extremely nom and only 2 points a pack:

The sweet and salty is Excellent!

Do what makes you happy!!

C’est la vie!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weight Watchers Sixteenth Week


Today, I had a loss of .8 pounds. Yea! But I’m still .2 pounds away from the low I hit a few weeks ago. I’ve been a little less focused on weight loss lately because I’ve been struggling with a stomach problem that I think may be lactose intolerance. I’ve had tests for really bad things, like disintegrating organs, but all of that is fine. So I’m cutting back severely on dairy to see what I can tell the doctor when I see her again. You’d be amazed how many foods include milk and I didn’t realize how much cheese I eat…

Here’s what I had for lunch yesterday:

It’s one of those new Cranberry Apple Walnut salads at Carl’s Jr. Super Nom! Love all the things in the title, plus it had spinach. Really good! But, I did have to dig out the cheese before I dug in and fortunately, they’d lumped it all in one place. This morning, I forgot to eat before weighing in, so I had an Egg McMuffin, without the cheese, which also shaved a few points off the total, which is a Good Thing… Both of these meals replaced my usual frozen yogurt :-(

Cutting out dairy is making me eat healthier. So many of the snacks I like (cookies, cake, ice cream) have milk in them… So, I loaded up on fruit and sorbet, which said it may contain milk byproducts but didn’t have milk in the ingredients list… Something else that was helpful in my quest to reduce dairy is that apparently all labels now have to include a special list of things like milk, wheat, glutten and soy if they’re an ingredient so it’s easy for folks with those allergies/sensitivities to glean that info and slam it back on the shelf.

So, here’s to another week of tracking and eating right. I have a goal of losing three more pounds before Valentine’s Day, which is totally doable. I think I need to be working on small goals to keep myself focused during this weird tummy trouble.

Do what makes you happy!!

C’est la vie!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weight Watchers Fifteenth Week


So, I lost 1.2 pounds, which sounds good but still doesn’t take me down to where I was the week before Christmas. This stomach bug has me all screwed up. I’ve been on program, mostly, and at least I didn’t gain.

We’re trying to figure out what’s up with my stomach and the physicians assistant I saw said to cut out dairy while the tests were being run. That’s helped a little. And I brought in a lot of fruit, which is always a good thing.

For a while, with the sinus infection and breathing being somewhat optional, I wasn’t doing a lot of exercise but now I’m at least back to my usual 20-30 minutes a day.

Ahhhh, it’s a process and right now it’s a messed up process but I’m doing what I can and I know, eventually, the things I’m doing right will catch up on the scale. Oh, yeah, my measurements have continued to go down, so I’m grateful for that and figure something’s going right!

Do what makes you happy!!

C’est la vie!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sniff, Sniff

I didn't get to Weight Watchers today. I also didn't get to go to lunch with a group of friends. Blame my stupid sinuses. They've attacked and they're not giving up easily. A big RAZZberry for my sinuses.

According to my scale here at home, I would have lost what I gained last week, plus another pound... Ah, well, next week should show a huge loss and I will happily crow that to the world.

The Husband is off getting me strawberry frozen yogurt with a side of chocolate sprinkles, as I sit here composing and blowing my nose. Thank God for Good Husbands and Buffs Puffs!

Do what makes you happy!!

C’est la vie!


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Weight Watchers Fourteenth Week


I’m not gonna tell you how much I gained and you can’t make me! Stupid scale…

My weight went up and down all week. I still have a little stomach bug but I also had a barrel of Poppycock my “thoughtful” husband gave me that I’ve nibbled too much on. Damn!

Today I had a breakfast burrito at Del Taco and a scoop of Baskin Robbins Winter Mint ice cream. One and a half Italian sausage-stuffed peppers is calling my name from the fridge. And all the little Poppycock voices are still calling to me (they get transported to work tomorrow!).

So, it’s time to rededicate myself to this weight loss journey. Back to eating only what I’ve written down and nothing more. Back to saying no to everything but fruit at potlucks at work. Back to remembering that I can’t eat everything I want. Today was controlled cheating with a touch of tick-offed-ness. Sometimes a girl’s just gotta let go. But only for today!

Here’s a cell phone photo of me and Robert Downey Jr.’s Sherlock Holmes poster. We went to see the movie right after WW--I’m sure Conan Doyle prefers Jeremy Brett or Basil Rathbone, but RDJ’s Sherlock is a fun, updated little romp.

So, back to strict program tomorrow. What I need to work on this week is bringing new things to the program. I’ve gotten into a rut and need some new “good” choices.

Do what makes you happy!!

C’est la vie!